About Us
Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence is mobilizing, strengthening, and partnering with faith communities to end gun violence.
Our vision is faith communities everywhere proclaiming God’s dream of human flourishing through meaningful and life-giving participation in gun violence prevention.
We are developing a national network of faith-led gun violence prevention, making it possible for faith leaders to connect with each other and to existing and emerging work in their communities.
Our Story
Faith leaders rally in D.C. for gun safety as survivors demand action from Congress
On June 08, 2022 – Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence organized a prayer vigil and a rally for gun safety afterwards at the U.S. Capitol.
Working Together to Prevent Veteran Suicide and Gun Violence
On May 25, 2022, Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence organized a national roundtable discussion to discuss the role of faith communities on Veteran Suicide, especially in relation to firearm access. The event, titled “Honor With Care: Working Together to Prevent Veteran Suicide and Gun Violence,” was hosted at Trinity Episcopal Church in Houston, TX, and live streamed. You can download the resource guide distributed by our event partners below.
In March of 2022, Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence convened respected and experienced faith leaders from around the county for a multi-day gathering at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Attendees participated in extensive dialogue and strategic planning to develop shared approaches and priorities together. This multi-day event helped set the stage for much of our ongoing work.
The weekend of September 04-05, 2021, Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence helped organize a historic weekend of reflection, repentance, and response to the crisis of gun violence in America. Faith leaders from around the county gathered in Houston to remember those whose lives have been lost with a service of prayer on Saturday, share stories of hope and success in gun violence interruption efforts, hear from civic leaders—including the chief of police for the city of Houston, and call on state leaders to protect our communities.
That Sunday, September 05, we were joined by faith leaders from around the county for a National Service of Hope & Action for Gun Safety at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Partners included Clergy for Safe Cities, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Bishops United Against Gun Violence, RAWtools, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Kingdom Mission Society, and Red Letter Christians. The service inspired partners to work together to end gun violence, and became foundational to our current work.
Our Work
Connecting Faith-based Work
Faith Leaders for Ending Gun Violence is creating a unique and expansive national directory of churches, congregations, faith communities, and faith-informed organizations actively involved in gun violence prevention.
Helpful Resources
We provide and promote resources to help faith leaders and their communities explore and engage in a number of different approaches to gun violence reduction and prevention.
Vigils, Convenings, and Training
We are connecting and supporting faith communities and leaders who are interested in developing, hosting, or participating in gun violence prevention events and activities.
Our Team
The Rev. Hope A.J. Christensen
The Rev. Hope A.J. Christensen has been serving in non-profit organizations for nearly 20 years, most recently as the Executive Director of an ecumenical Christian leadership organization. She holds a Master of Divinity from Bexley Seabury Seminary and a B.A. from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.