Vigil Resources
Planning a public vigil or prayer service for your community? Add your event to the Faith Action Map (currently in beta).
Guides for Planning and Hosting
Annual Vigil Guide
The Newtown Action Alliance hosts the annual National Vigil to #EndGunViolence. As you prepare to host a local vigil, this toolkit from Newtown Action Alliance features a step-by step guide for planning with your community.
2024 Toolkit: Nationwide Vigils & Events to #EndGunViolence
Prayer Vigil Guide
This guide from the United Methodist Church provides an easy to follow checklist for each stage in your planning process.
Survivor Leadership and Involvement
Gun violence survivors’ insights, ideas, and experiences should be central to your vigil. If your service is not already survivor led, try to find respectful and meaningful ways to include survivors in planning or participation in the service.
From Healing to Action: A Toolkit for Gun Violence Survivors and Allies | Survivors Empowered and Giffords teamed up to create a toolkit for survivors of gun violence. This helpful guide provides information about survivor experiences and insights for meaningful and supportive engagement.
Liturgy and Service Resources
Liturgical Resources | Bishops United Against Gun Violence
Prayer Vigil | Nuns Against Gun Violence
Select Prayers, Litanies & Reflections | Episcopal Peace Fellowship in the Diocese of Ohio
Hymns by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette | In the “G” section of the Topical Index, look under “Gun Violence” to find relevant hymns.
Hymns In Times of Crisis | The Hymn Society
Multi-Faith Vigils
Honoring Victims of Gun Violence | Friends Committee on National Legislation | Links to service resources from a variety of religious and faith traditions.
Newtown Action Alliance Foundation National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence | Recordings of previous annual multi-faith National Vigils.
Emergency Prayer Services (Immediate Responses)
Emergency Response Kit For Gun Violence Events | Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (Please note, the contact information on this document is not up to date.)
Additional Resources for Vigils and Prayer Services
Vigil Resource Sheet | United Church of Christ Southern New England Conference
Gun Violence Shabbat Guide 2023 | Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Worship/Vigil/Action Resources for Times of Gun Violence | Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Educational Resources
“Emanuel” (2019), directed by Brian Tetsuro Ivie
“Newtown” (2016), directed by Kim A. Snyder
“Ricochet: An American Trauma,” PBS News
“The Armor of Light” (2015), directed by Abigail E. Disney
Armed with Reason, hosted by GVPedia
University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention Podcast Collection
Online Trainings, Educational Videos, and Information Guides
University of Michigan Science of Firearm Injury Prevention Among Children & Teens Online Course
Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions YouTube Channel
“15 Tips for Talking with Children About Violence” by Lydia Breiseth
“A Parent’s Guide to Home Firearm Safety” and “Family Guide to Home Firearm Safety” | University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
Safe storage information sheets – brochure, infographic | BulletPoints
Data and Research
Research and Reports | Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Publications | University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
The Violence Prevention Project Research Center at Hamline University
Take Action
National Advocacy Organizations
State Advocacy Organizations
Coming soon!
Suggested Community Activities
“Kingdom Dreams Violence Realities” Bible study | The United Methodist Church
“Preventing Gun Violence: From Rhetoric to Real Solutions” small group study | JustFaith Ministries
Local Survivor Survivor Toolkit Guide and Template | coming soon